Servicing Suffolk
& Nassau County

The Speech and Language Garden specializes in providing an individualized approach to therapy for children from birth through five years of age. We focus on children with speech, language, and feeding needs. Sessions are provided in your home to address the needs of your child and family. 

Servicing Suffolk & Nassau County Early Intervention

The Speech and Language Garden specializes in providing an individualized approach to therapy for children from birth through five years of age. We focus on children with speech, language, and feeding needs. Sessions are provided in your home to address the needs of your child and family. 

The Speech and Language Garden

The toddler years are some of the most important of your child’s life. It is the foundation of their development for their learning years in the years to come. As a parent, we must cultivate the soil, making it rich enough to plant the seeds for your child’s feeding, play, language, and speech to Grow. The garden of learning is not possible without Nutritious soil to grow your child into a beautiful and productive flower.


Babies are born and innately start eating from the bottle. Then they transition to solids to join the family at the table for meals. Sometimes this process doesn’t go as expected. Our expertise will customize in simple steps how to successfully go from bottle feeding to solids. We want you to enjoy the time with your child and not struggle or fight with them trying to provide them with their most essential need.


Play is one of the most important skills your child can engage in to cultivate their development in many areas. Through various types of play, children learn to discover, create, and problem solve in their environment. As children grow and mature, their play skills also change, allowing for the development of new skills that are more varied and complex. Language and play go hand in hand.


We often see children because they are not talking, which is an important developmental marker, but there are many other developmental targets. We do not want you or your child to be frustrated in their nurturing environment. We will help you identify what skills need to be developed so you can hear your child's voice. We individualize each plan specific to your child so their language can grow in their developemental garden.

Our private service specializes in the specific need of your child’s individual speech and language garden.
We look at what will help your child skills to GROW.

As a private provider, we consider what the parent wants for their child, we build on the skills they have so that all areas of their development will grow in the Speech and Language Garden. There are times when a child does not meet the eligibility criteria for state funded services, but we can address your concerns in the Garden.


What is the next step
in growing a nutritious Speech and Language Garden?

If you have concerns with your child's development, you can complete the contact form for a free 15 minute consultation conducted over the phone. The consultation will be a brief discussion on your concern regarding your child’s development and skills. If you would like a complete in-home evaluation it can be scheduled at your convenience. There is no obligation to starting services.

Explore Our Services

Our holistic services include evaluations, therapy, counseling, and support groups, all crafted to meet the unique needs of your child. With our professional and caring guidance, we address a variety of developmental needs.

Speech and Language Garden
Speech and Language Garden